Happy Father's Day!

Sunday, June 21, 2015

[Personal] HAPPY FATHERS DAY to all you hardworking, thoughtful and caring Daddies out there! 
Baby is glad to have Jungle Daddy as his hero.. Someone who works hard to take care of us so unconditionally... 
Definitely Daddy's boy :) 

Today we made a trip to the mall nearby to grab breakfast and some shopping. Baby is getting a wee bit too fat! 
The Banana shorts!!! I cant resist ahhahaha! 
The little one is currently 3.5 months old and 8.2kg! He's growing out of his newborn clothes waaay fast coz now he has to wear onsies for 6 months and sometimes its still abit tight so yeah. *sweat* :p But it really depends on the cutting so I'll advise peeps to err on the larger side if u're buying for people. :) 
Hope everyone is spending time with their loved ones today.... 
This is what happened when I left baby with daddy for five minutes while I went to the cashier.
Have a great day ahead! Waiting for my parents to come over for dinner and play with their grandson. Nobody cares about me & hubby already LOLOL. The first thing the grandparents ask everyday is.."What is my grandson doing?" DANG. 

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