
Silky Smooth Chawanmushi with LILO Premium Ikan Bilis Powder + GIVEAWAY

Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Chawanmushi .. one of our favorite family must-orders whenever we head out for Japanese food. My toddler loves it alot - perhaps its the silky smooth egg custard sweet savory texture that makes eating it such a joy. Or the various ingredients that can be found in chawanmushi makes it very appealing for the young kids to scoop it up, like a surprise - spoonful by spoonful. 😊
Silky Smooth Chawanmushi with LILO Premium Ikan Bilis Powder + GIVEAWAY 
Chawanmushi can be rather expensive in restaurants, so I try to make my own version right at home with the ingredients that I have right in the fridge. I really like how you can add anything to this dish and it will still taste really good plus its so simple to make once you get the recipe right. Smooth and silky, just like tofu! 💗
The question I receive often via PMs are - "How do you make yours so smooth?" Or, "how do I get rid of the 'holes' in my steamed egg?" Well, read on! (There's also a #GIVEAWAY at the end!) Its very simple actually and you can adjust it to your taste easily at home yourself.
Chawanmushi Recipe (Serves 2) 
You will need :
1 egg (around 60g)
150 ml of Dashi stock - I usually make my own with kombu and bonito flakes but for a small portion, I have this No-MSG dashi granules as a quick method. (Also, I have a baby that is unwell, so I dont have the luxury of time at the moment to make stock from scratch.😞)
LILO Premium Ikan Bilis Powder
(My favorite add-on for taste and nutrients since I omit soya sauce and salt for this recipe)
Just about any ingredients that you wanna use, today Im using : 
Shimeji Mushrooms
Threadfin Fish
Edamame Beans
Simply add one tsp of dashi granules in 50ml of warm water so it will dissolve. Add one spoonful of ikan bilis powder provided by LILO Ikan Bilis Powder (Click here to read more about why Ikan Bilis Powder is good for growing kids) into the dashi stock. If you dont have dashi stock at home, you can use just about any stock eg chicken stock and add ikan bilis powder in too. Or even plain water - thats how versatile LILO Ikan Bilis is! 😋 
Do you know that LILO Premium Ikan Bilis Powder is now NEA-licensed? This means that the powder is made in a kitchen that is inspected and approved under NEA stringent control! As a parent, its my priority to make sure the food I offer is produced in a hygienic and safe environment. In addition, Ikan Bilis has a good amount of iron, healthy polyunsaturated fats (omega-3 fatty acids) and calcium (bones must not be removed) and because LILO Premium Ikan Bilis has been soaked before baking, its not salty at all for the little ones. 💪
Mix well and add room temperature water to make it 150ml stock in total. 
TIP*** I realize you need your stock to be 2.5x in volume with one egg (roughly 60g each) to get that smooth custardy texture. Any lesser and it will end up being too 'egg-like' and thick.
(Note also: I use warm water to dissolve the powders but add room temperature water so that I wouldn't 'cook' the egg when I add the egg in) 
Add beaten egg in the mixture 
Add ingredients into a small bowl or like me, simply get chawanmushi cups from Daiso. They are pretty and the covered lids makes the egg steam evenly. 
U can sieve the mixture in carefully, or if you are in a hurry - you may omit this step, no worries.
I like to 'fill' the bottom with the heavier ingredients like meat followed by veg and mushrooms. The fishcake can be placed at the top coz its very cute and looks appetizing for the young ones.
TIP*** To get the smoothest chawanmushi texture, you need to control your fire well. Once your water starts boiling, turn your fire to the lowest setting and place the cups in it gently. Steam on low heat for around 10-12 mins and check by poking a toothpick in if you are just trying out this method. If you use an alternative meat like chicken, make you slice it thin so it gets cooked through. 
Shortly .... a warm cup of chawanmushi to fill little happy bellies!😍
This is always a delicious side dish for my toddler and he loves eating it with a bowl of rice or with some udon! Versatile and quick to make, its worth mastering this coz its always a hit with the family! You can also add just about any ingredient, the variations are limitless 😇
 Hope you enjoy my little share! How about a GIVEAWAY now???
In conjunction with LILO Premium Ikan Bilis Powder - 4 LUCKY WINNERS will walk away with either 
1) Donutella Plush Toy 2) Donutella EZ-Link Charm 3) Stellina Unicorno EZ-Link Charm 4) Tokidoki Donutella Pink Mini Hair Brush plus a bottle of LILO Premium Ikan Bilis Powder too! 
To join, simply head over to my FB page : https://www.facebook.com/pg/Sugar7733
For more info on where to purchase, please head to :
LILO Premium Ikan Bilis Powder Facebook Page : https://www.facebook.com/Lilo-Premium-Ikan-Bilis-Powder-1888334264713609/

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