Greetings from Moscow, Russia!The weather's colddddd but its lovely when the sun shines.Russians are a rude lot, but after awhile u kinda get used to it.:pPicture Puuur-fecto.Red Square, St Basil.Between Kremlin n Red SquareRed in Russian is beautiful, so therefore the Red Square was named not becos it was red, but becos it was beautiful.Indeed it was.Lenin's body is embalmed in the middle...
OMG..the emails I have received are so overwhelmingly touching and inspirating that I have no qualms opening another blog... I think.While I am hesitant in doing so, I do really miss blogging and writing n the posting of pictures that bring back the best memories.:)Oh well. I'll see how it goes.Dun wanna step on any toes at the moment.Zouk beckons tonight, n so...