
skincare n tips

Friday, October 31, 2008
Heya all! Im finally back from Zurich and it was SNOWING there! Coolness 10 upon 10 coz it was my first snow sighting of '08. Didnt expect it to come so early in Oct, but it was pretty darn cool to wake up and see snow. :) My camera's buried somewhere deep in my bag, some pictures when I dig it out soon...


Sunday, October 26, 2008
A quick update before my life spirals out of control later.Dinner at my mum's.Sending her to mahjong session at aunt's.Coming back to pack my bag for Zurich, Switzerland on Tuesday.Tickle Jungle Boy.Put face mask, hair mask n dipilate all unwanted hair.Choose something presentable to wear.Repeat above action for Jungle Boy.Ex-team girl's Baby Girl 1st month tomorrow! Okie, I admit Im excited coz I...

Over-exposed n Loving it

Friday, October 24, 2008
Having a field day camwhoring before church.My new hair extensions!Nice? They're straight but I curl-tonged them alittle.:)$120 @ Beauty in Vogue, Far East Plaza.Braiding method, no pain, no itch, nothing. But my hair just feels rather Rapunzel-like now.Fortunately I lurve fairytales. Hehe.But I cant comb thru from the roots n its some getting used to. ><But its fun n great seeing Jungle Boy's...

Typical Daily Conversations

Friday, October 24, 2008
Me: Tell u ah, women very poor thing one. Everytime suffer becoz of men. MENstruation, MENopause, MENtal illness.. etc.Jungle Boy: Men also what.Me: No lor!Jungle Boy: Studies show that married men will always die earlier than their wives.Me: Rubbish.Jungle Boy: Its true. Dying is the only way to escape from their wives nagging.Me: !@#$%^&There u go, our typical conversation. ...

On hair, love and life.

Thursday, October 23, 2008
Someone sweet left a tag regarding my hair and I feel like Im on top of the world.:)I dun pay much attention to my hair as much as I would love to admit, but sometimes I try to get my lazy butt off the couch to do something about its rather atrocious condition.Dove Therapy for Dry & Damaged HairAn intensive moisture treatment that...


Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Being away from blogging for sometime, I highly suspect that I am suffering from something quite, quite serious.BLOGPOST DIARRHEA.Maybe its the withdrawal blogger symptoms, thats why its been post after post after post these days! Bear with me, ok.Btw, I dun think u should blame me coz I will be going Melbourne after this n will only be back til Thursday which means...

Love is

Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Love is... joining me for my colleague's BBQ.being the chef and bbq-ing my favourite chicken wings for me.coming home and hugging me to sleep.:) ...

Milan Part Uno

Sunday, October 19, 2008
Hi everyone!How did u spend ur day?:)Mine was really fun with a trip to the library then durians for supper. Heehee.I wish it was Sunday everyday!Anyways, I thought I should start slowly with pictures from recent travels.Esp the cities I really heart.Here's Milan in all its glory.........Erm, the roads.They confuse me badly, and I guess I ought to stop complaining about road signs...

The simple things

Sunday, October 19, 2008
Today in church, we were told to give thanks to something simple.I gave thanks just for being able to wake up in the morning. :)In this hurried, unforgiving world ridden with malice, debt, spite and wrath, - we tend to forget about the simple things.Nitpicking is just easier and we complain about the unlucky things that happen to us.How about our family who...


Saturday, October 18, 2008
Hi everyone!I cant tell u how blessed n much loved I feel after reading ur encouraging emails and sweet, sweet tags.I landed from New York today barely before the sun rose, and being a Saturday I did what I did love most, - nua-ing in bed. At 3pm.Hee.Jungle Boy the growing boy nagging at my complacency to actually stay rooted as opposed to...

Questions Answered.

Sunday, October 12, 2008
Will I be back?U betcha, baby.;) ...

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