I rarely do shit like this, but with my stupid flight slightly delayed tonight, I have all the time in the world. And Im on leave.And yeshhh,- I've not started on my packing yet. :pHow well do u know ur partner?1. He’s sitting in front of the TV, what is on the screen?Discovery, CNBC and really anything I find a tad boring.2. You’re...
Okie dokie I know it has been ages since I have last updated, < insert activity > farted, said a swear word, etc.I've been a great girl these days and Im pretty sure Santa's coming my way this year after all the ZERO shopping I did not do.Remember my birthday shoe promise to myself?Well, the shoes are still sitting on display, Taka level...
Jungle Boy is snoring extremely loudly now and u can be damn sure I am tempted to pinch him!But I look at my foie gras pictures n I feel a wee bit guilty leh.:pHow???Edited to add:Ok problem solved.I think he snored so loud, he woke himself up.HAHHAHAHAHHAHA! ...
Helloooooo everyone! Has it been a week already? Omg time flies!I have my nice smelling Grapefruit mask on now, courtesy of my korean trip eons ago.The Face Shop has really cheap n good ones but locally, I like my Watson's masks best.Try the Bird Nest ones, they are going for 5 pieces at $17.90 iirc.They are reeeeally good for a house brand. ;)Talking...
Hi everyone!Im last minute packing for a trip to LA so bear with me please!Going off in two hours time and back only on Sat.Im estatic I'll be around on Sunday becoz did I mentioned this before...COZ I LURVE SUNDAYS! :) :)Bye bye everyone.Take care til then.xoxoelaine ...