Sometimes all u need for a quick pick-me-up in life are friends, dinner and lotsa laughs.Im extremely thankful for my bunch of girls, who saw me through the years and I appreciate how they forsake precious time to accompany me for dinner.Last night was another Happy Hour in our terms, but no alcohol actually needed.And it was such a blast!My bestie Wendy &...
I'll be replying tags shortly and that includes to you, too, -"Truth".This post is dedicated to dear Thumbelinaa who is asking about skincare.:)Cetaphil is supposed to be hypoallergenic and safe to use for extremely sensitive and dry skin.However, if ur nose has started peeling after purchasing a certain item,- I will not recommend continous usage.Do stop for a week or two to determine...
Hello everyone!Im dead beat having out doing nails today, having coffee, watching plays two days in a row, shopping, shopping and then some more shopping!Ok recession struck me today, - but more on that later.;)Been kinda busy with work after such a wonderful time during leave, and meeting friends up for a quick catch up in the afternoons when everyone's free.Impromptu meetups included...
Omg I haven had such great fun in ages!After a short Ya Kun session with my long-time sweetheart Pearly from secondary school, I proceeded to a Ma Maison dinner gathering with my former favourite forum (read:Flowerpod) girls!It has been ages since we last met and I have to really thank my dearest Miko for organising one.She's my darling, having to go through phonecalls,...
For the curious, Jungle Boy did get me a tiny weeny pressie for fun becoz a birthday is not a birthday until u open a present, no?:)Two new additions to my Bear family.Small handphone Pinky and bigger keyring Pinky!These are limited editions bears which I have been collecting over the past year.The white and red one was a Valentine gift, n it has...
Love is doing girly things with ur bestie spending the whole afternoon together.:)We had a leisurely slow Japanese pasta lunch, only to be jolted back to reality with the fact that we had errands to run and nails to do!Postponed our pedicure and rushed down to the other side of Orchard to replace her Omega's battery.Then we went shopping.(Window shopping.. Recession u noe?)Topping...
Dear all,I may take forever to load the pictures!I have 216 pictures stored in my trusty camera and it was just from the first day.It was a "DUH" moment when my camera died on me while out sight-seeing and Jungle Boy simply said, "Dun worry, go back and charge lor."I looked at him sheepishly and replied,"Hee. I never bring charger leh."Think he is...
Im back!I have about a thousand pictures and yesh a hundred videos too. The trip was a short retreat from the hustle n bustle of city life and I absolutely adored the simple life there.We rented a motorbike, and sans helmet, - decided to tour the island.I loved the carefree feeling with the wind in my hair and hugging on to Jungle Boy...