
Jo's 5th Birthday Party

Sunday, April 26, 2009
Hi people!Hows ur weekend coming along? Mine's great with dinner at my parents, lovingly homecooked by my mum.Sometimes even the most exorbitantly priced fine-dining in the world doesnt compare to the simple dishes from someone who loves u unconditionally.:)Talking about love - it was love all over in Newton 18 where my sweet Jo celebrated... the 5th birthday!Admittedly, it was a theme party...

loves on a weekend

Saturday, April 25, 2009
Hello gals!Up next soon with another post - Gonna sit back first, read the papers with a cuppa tea and enjoy one of my rare weekends with Jungle Boy.:)Love.xoxoelaine ...


Saturday, April 18, 2009
Do you have a BFF*?Or do u not believe in friends?:(Im extremely blessed to have 3 best friends who cry, laugh & bitch with me.Regardless of each others' shortcomings & strengths, I do treasure them and they will always have a very special place in my heart.We realised how different we each are, but somehow the four of us can talk forever and...

happy happy

Friday, April 17, 2009
I had a lovely japanese dinner with my mum and then we decided to pop by M1 to look at new gleaming, shiny handphones.Then I got myself this.I like it white.Best of all, it was totally free upon contract renewal!Yipeeeee.. I lurveee freebies.Who doesnt?:)Tags Replied!wind: Thank u babe! N lets all stay young n happy too! LOLanon: Thank u very much for ur...

I is no Rebecca Bloomwood

Friday, April 17, 2009
Hi, My name is Elaine and Im a shopaholic.:(Had the most amazing time with the BFFs last nite, bitching over dinner and poking each other ribs guffawing while watching Confessions of a Shopaholic.I love them to bits, I really do.Yes, and even the absent one.. I also love her to death.:DBut first... pics from way long ago, PARIS!My ultimate favourite romantic destination.. whimsical...


Thursday, April 09, 2009
There was nobody at home - Jungle Boy working, BFFs working, whole world working today.So I walked to the nearest food centre, plonked myself down and ordered a teh-peng*.I read the papers from front to back and this is totally random but complete shiokness.Sometimes its nice to sit in ur own little bubble while the whole world simply whizz by.:)teh-peng* - Iced milk...

No more P plate!

Thursday, April 09, 2009
Twoooooo more days til the removal of my driving P plate!Yipeeee.. its been such a hell of ride, man.From the taking of tests, to the going for lessons to the practical test day I can still remember every detail vividly.No fun at all.I can still recall waking up at 6am just to make it for the first lesson, I remember running in the...

skincare II

Wednesday, April 08, 2009
Helloooo everyone! :)Aiyo u gals are really the sweetest little things ever! *hug*Thank u so much for all the lovely tags - and duncha worry, Im not at least affected by what other people say.Coz I is thick-skinned as thick-skinned can be.:pMoving on abit, here's a skincare post that I've been wanting to do like, forever.If u have been reading, I've done one...


Tuesday, April 07, 2009
Hi everyone!Sorry for the lack of updates coz I've been quite under the weather recently.It started with a sore throat then it gradually became a very bad runny nose and some body-aches.And I couldnt really do anything except net surfing coz it made me rather drowsy from all the medication that I was taking.I'm feeling much better now but still coughing alittle and...

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