
back soooon!

Saturday, May 30, 2009
What a blast it was last night!Baby Girl looked absolutely gorgeous with her long curly locks, I totally love her hair.And I had such a greaaaat time with old school peeps taking pictures and laughing like mad.Will be back soon with all the pictures!:)Take care, God bless.Love y'all.xoxoelaine ...

love is..

Friday, May 29, 2009
Love is.. kissing him on the forehead while he is sleeping and telling him u love him even though nobody else in the whole wide world can hear.:) ...

On wagyu and pancakes

Thursday, May 28, 2009
Hi everyone!I need to quickly post these pictures, else I would forget about them becoz I have an upcoming birthday party to go to this Friday and then Im pretty sure I would take a million pictures there.:pThe Point RestaurantThe Point Albert ParkAquatic DriveAlbert Park LakePhone: 03 9682 5566Lunch 12pm - 3pm and Dinner until late 7 days a weekDining day or night,...

better late than never

Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Helllooooo!Isn't it a lovely day?It rained alittle then now the sun is back up and I love the smell of grass & rain.:DI hope Im not too late coz I spent like 2 hours alone doing up my pictures from last week, hi-tea and dinner with my lovely friends & family here and half across the world.Geez... I really have ALOT of pictures,...

back soon!

Friday, May 22, 2009
"Too many people spend money they haven't earned, to buy things they don't want, to impress people they don't like." -Will Smith How true.:)I am really late with my blog entries I noe.. sorry!Have been spending some time with family & friends, thus the backlogged pictures that are still in my laptop.Will be back real soon coz I need to go back to...


Thursday, May 21, 2009
It was a Wednesday morning and the sun was beaming into the room.Jungle Boy: Arrrrgh.. I dun wanna go work..Me: Is it becoz u wan to be with me??Jungle Boy: No.. becoz I wan to sleep.Me: !@#$%%^&&!! U better wake up and go to work now!!!Jungle Boy: *quickly gets away*Irritating. ...

date night

Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Tonight is Date Night with Jungle Boy.:)We plan to do something so old-fashioned.. Movie and dinneeeeeer!And then perhaps just walking hand in hand admiring the stars in the night.Me likey. ...


Monday, May 18, 2009
OMG Im finally back after a week without chicken rice, char kway teow & carrot cake.Astonishingly, I concur lost some weight there due to the fact that I got so sick of the greasy American food in New York and that I had to totally survived on salad & diet coke.Their portions are so sickeningly large that I would take a grand total...

I Love New York

Thursday, May 14, 2009
Helloooo everyone!Im halfway across the world in New York City right now, and can u believe I wasted one whole day sleeping??Yes.. I actually slept for about 28 hours straight, minus the hour I spent skype-ing Jungle Boy.Unbelievable I know.Thus I am now known as the Idiot who Slept in New York.While everyone is shopping, sight-seeing, Liberty-watching.. yes.. I was sleeping.And if that...

Snow and masks

Friday, May 08, 2009
Hellooooo everyone!OMG.. TGIF isnt it? :DMothers' Day will be up in awhile, but Im still pretty undecided on what to get for our two beloved mummies.I was thinking of getting some flowers along with the present too coz I have never known anybody who wouldnt smile when they receive some.I myself love flowers, though I find it absolutely wasteful when they start to...

Benten loves

Sunday, May 03, 2009
Before I post about my snow trip, I shall just update a teeny weeny information... ...MY BFF MIKO JUST GOT ENGAGED!!!!!*jumps up & down wildly*Big loves.We were so estatic abt the news I think we started shooting sms-es to each other in the middle of the night.Only my bff can be so zen.. while we race to find out the details.So exciting can?I...

snow alps n birthday wishes

Friday, May 01, 2009
Yup! Im back from playing snow in the mountains of Switzerland, Zurich and my toes froze so badly they went numb while we threw snowballs at each other in the middle of the mountain.I'll be back soon, so tired and have lotsa things to do as yet.My suitcase is still left unopened, but Im joining Jungle Boy and some church friends for a...

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