
Quick Update

Thursday, July 30, 2009
Hi guys!Im so sorry for the lack of updates coz being on leave has weirdly made me more busy! :pI have a truckload of pictures and then it was a hilarious meetup with the Fp babes whom I've known since like forever, and have became fast friends.Although we meet up only once or twice a year - its so cute how we all...

Fashion Euphoria

Sunday, July 26, 2009
Hi everyone! Been out all day and am totally shagged out. I saw more babies in my life today (having to go to TWO baby parties in a day) and than some. But we had a blast and everyone was in high spirits. :) I also fell in love with my new yellow top becoz it was such a cheery colour.. perfect for...

Louboutins Lovey

Saturday, July 25, 2009
Please bear with me while I.. fight off jetlag, unpack my bags, reply backlogged emails and plan for yoga sessions..!All this while disturbing and irritating poor Jungle Boy.:)I have so many presents that belong to other people in the room now that I cant walk a straight line and not stumble over a nicely wrapped box or paper bag.Off to 2 baby parties...


Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Greetings from New York City, lovely ones!Been so caught up with sleeping off my jetlag and walking the streets of 5th Ave trying to strike items off my shopping list entrusted to me from friends and loved ones.I got so carried away I nearly forgot to shop for myself!But never mind, shall make a trip down to 31st tomorrow where the big big...

New HG

Thursday, July 16, 2009
Hi gals!Hows the week coming a long so far? :)I need to do this rather quickly coz I have a million things to do later!My new Holy Gail... Presenting my new concealor :Cle de peau concealor in Ocher.My review:I like it becoz its creamy but it doesnt settle in fine lines, - so girls with dry skin, dun worry.It covers beautifully and goes...

Love is Part II..

Thursday, July 16, 2009
After our usual family dinner, Jungle Boy looked at me with a winkle in his eye and said, "Can I bring u go somewhere special alone?"And secretly we ended up at ...Sorry if I look tired.. coz I was!Been out the whole day then such a last minute thing going to the Marina Barrage.God bless, all.Take good care - Heard something over the...

love is

Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Love is.. waking up to Jungle Boy calling me a pig becoz its lunchtime and I was still in bed.(Hello.. jetlag?)Turns out that he came all the way home from the office just to bring me out for lunch.Nasi padang had never tasted so good.:) ...

Phuket part III

Sunday, July 12, 2009
Hi dolly girls! :DOmg I am extremely overwhelmed by all the kind responses and touching emails.Thank u all from the very bottom of my heart, u dunno how much it means to me!I know I may have ruffled some feathers but cross my heart I had never intend to invoke jealousy or envy in anyone.:(To me, this is just my very simple day...

doesnt matter

Tuesday, July 07, 2009
It doesnt matter if Jungle Boy is 'too good' for me, or if Im too 'lowly' for him.We do like each other (pretty much..!) and that's all it matters. :)And thank u for telling me that he is great, coz I know that too!But dun tell him coz later his head get big big u noeeee... :pAnd yes.. u all are absolutely correct...

Phuket Part Deux

Saturday, July 04, 2009
Hey its me again!Im sorry for the blogpost diarrhea, sometimes when I start I cant stop.Then when I stop.. I get alittle lazy!Hmmmm.. that reminds me of yoga.I use to practise it alot, until I got to know Jungle Boy then slowly but surely I reduced my sessions. Then my Amore membership was over before I knew it, and I never gotten around...

Little Ride

Saturday, July 04, 2009
Hi guys!Im so sorry but Im back after eating crepes and drinking cuppucino with Jungle Boy.:)Hee hee, we went out after lunch coz we had to pick up my FREE home garment steamer that I could claim with the points on my credit card.Nothing else to claim go n claim steamer lor.:pIm bery happy coz I've been comtemplating getting one like since forever,...

Sorry for being late! - Phuket Part Uno

Saturday, July 04, 2009
Its not funny when I have about a thousand pictures from my Phuket trip and I dunno where to start! :(But it was such a great experience, being away from the city life and having such a blast with Jungle Boy the photographer.He's really into taking pictures, using his videocam and basically acting like a true-blue Singaporean tourist.Me: Okies I is hungry! *Attempts...

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