
Happy Birthday to me :)

Monday, November 30, 2009
Its finally BFF's turn to sign the papers today! Off to blow hair then troop down to Fort Canning with Jungle Boy. And... ITS MY BIRTHDAY U NOE? :D Went out to sea yesterday and am going for my birthday holiday later! So excited I cant believe Im 27 alreadddddy. Will be back soon so big hugs everyone! Enjoy the lovely week ahead....


Thursday, November 26, 2009
To all the working ladies here, are u bored of wearing the same clothes and seeing your colleagues wear boring executive type clothes day in and day out? With www.sugarspade.livejournal.com , not only will you have many choices of office inappropriate clothes, www.sugarspade.livejournal.com carries a range of high powered heels perfect for bringing you from the boardroom and to the clubs! And even...

Alittle Bit of Everything

Thursday, November 26, 2009
This is a mish mash post becoz there are so many pictures Im not even half done consolidating everything! And then next week its going to be a flurry of activities where I'll be heading for BFF's ROM then flying off to my secret holiday destination on the very same day! Its a secret Im keeping becoz its the first time Im heading...

NYC - my second home.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Helloooooooo everyone! Ok I am ashamed,- I have sooooo many backlogged pictures its alittle disconcerting. Imagine Im trying to post pictures from New York like, from a month ago when I went there for work. Its scary becoz I remember cutting my fringe then before I went away and then today I went to cut my fringe again. Time flies so fast its...

Still in frisco.

Thursday, November 19, 2009
Hokies.. so my dirty smelly jacket is back with me and its amazing how happy I am right now. Its weird how people only treasure something they 'thought' they've lost. And I hate losing things. Im pretty much an OCD kinda girl so I usually need to know where everything is, and if they are in order - so on and so forth....

So sad!

Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Im so upset!!! :'( I left my jacket in the dressing room of Forever 21 and before I knew it, -it was gone. Boo hoo. Jungle Boy tells me not to cry becoz he's planning a short trip for my birthday but.. I AM SAD! I love that jacket so much and its the one that I wore when we went Melbourne together...

Weekends are great

Sunday, November 15, 2009
Hi guys! Its the weekend again and I betcha that everyone (like, me..ahem) is in high spirits! I absolutely loveeee lazing around the house.. and watching telly drinking tea! :D Yesterday I had a fan-ta-bulous time spending the day with my better half. We walked hand in hand, gazed at window displays and had a small intimate dinner looking at the sea. The...

Ignore me

Wednesday, November 11, 2009
I have an incredible impulse to go shopping! Swept the floor, did my facial mask and am drinking green tea... woohoo! The Hello Panda pink colooooor is so cute and I finished it in one sitting. Am so going to need to lose some weight soon becoz BFF's celebrating her holy matrimony in a fortnight and I need to fit into my dress....

Xquisis Blogshop

Wednesday, November 11, 2009
I had a small (birthday) present that came in the mail on the weekend. :) Isnt it the cutest ballerinas u've ever seen? And yes.. its the SAME pair of shoes! This pair has removable satin bows that u can switch around for different looooooks, but u only need ONE pair! Hows that for being a recessionista fashionista? Kudos to the lovely owner...

Fishing again

Saturday, November 07, 2009
Will be out at sea. :D Back soon! xoxo ...

Love is

Thursday, November 05, 2009
Love is ... buying you a big box of durian puffs becoz he knows u love it. :) ...

Rompin, Fishing and me.

Tuesday, November 03, 2009
Hi guys! Hey hey.. how was ur weekend? :) OMG I couldnt believe how little I slept and then it was back to work work and more work. Im sorry for not replying tags as much as I would like.. coz I had barely enuff winks for now. Yesterday Jungle Boy, me and his lao ah-pek friend drove up to Rompin, Malaysia for...

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