MY DEAREST GODSON KAYDEN NEO HAS ARRIVED!!!! Weighing a healthy 3.045kg... I heard he's a carbon copy of his daddy. picture credits to Kayden Neo's Facebook.. where the 2day old has thoughtfully tagged all his Godmas and Aunties/Uncles in the picture. Isnt he the cutest little thing ever. Was in Shanghai and when I received the call from the hospital, -there was fireworks...
Im sorry I went missing for alittle while! Was so busy gorging on new year goodies I think I must be as fat as one of the 3 little pigs in the fable. Am totally trying to find time to do up this place coz pregnant BFF called and scolded me when the previous one went haywired with bandwidth and all. But its...
Hi everyoneeee!!! Im finally back and this whole week has been nothing but AMAZING!!! Praise the Lord~ Firstly I had a great time stuffing my face with dim sum in NYC, experienced one of the heaviest snowfall, had a great time playing snow after breakfast,- ran around without a jacket, laughed my head off after being thrown like a dozen snowballs at my...
Hi everyoneeee! Omg the weekend is coming and then its CHINESE NEW YEAR alreeeeeeeady! Yippeeeee so happy lor can eat and eat and eat until I feel sick. Pineapple tarts..Love letters..Fanta Orange.. yums! Thats why I've been religously yoga-ing every other morning! Kick ass moves, - so contented after class. Happy happy. :) But then I have so many reasons to be happy...