
To Russia, With Love.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Harlowwwww everyone! Im currently in Moscow, Russia and its sucha quiet day here. Having an extremely expensive cuppuccino at the lobby (USD$10...!!!) but this is the only place for free WIFI.. and then I realised tenth floor also can tap wireless. *sweat* Hehehe but its ok la, once in a while must enjoy life. I dunno how long I'll be doing this so...

busy as a bee

Monday, May 17, 2010
I'll be back real soon! Off to see some russian dolls and texan cowboys - Have internet access so I'll drop by then. I'll answer some questions reaaaal fast and then will be back for the rest so drop me an email if its really urgent! -The dress is from ANNEF also known as ROOM, MANDARIN GALLERY #03-04, TEL: 6376 9654 - I...

BFF Conversations Overheard

Monday, May 10, 2010
Over on the MSN with BFF Miko just now.. BFF MIKO: The world is ending ~~~~~~ Me: Haiz. Me: Thats why u cannot blame me for buying bag BFF: -_- World is ending got nothing to do with buying bags bff Wahahhahhaha! Kena exposed sial. :p ...

Red Soled Shoes and a Wedding to Remember

Monday, May 10, 2010
Hellooooo everyoneee! Did my makeupless photos scare anyone away? :p I really hope not wor.. It was plain embarrassing putting up my bare face to the world, but then again - I dun really mind everyone seeing me as plain o' me. :) Last week was a mad rush after being stuck in Munich for so long, I had so many things to...

There are no ugly girls, Just lazy ones.

Thursday, May 06, 2010
Hello everyone! Im sooooo sorry to keep everyone waiting! Been so busy running around, meeting friends and spending time with Jungle Boy. And then a 'surprise' birthday dinner for my BFF that ended so hilariously, - I laughed until sore throat looooor. But more on all of that later! Coming right up.... It wasnt easy doing the tutorial... I have to frank. There...

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