... that Im posting as a Miss. :) Surreal knowing that the Big Day is tomorrow!!! Had heaps of fun last night doing up the games for gatecrashing with my lovely girls. Thank you everyone for ur support, love & well-wishes! I'll be back after the wedding so bear with me for alittle while, will ya? :D Much love xoxo- Posted from my...
Hello everyone!This is going to be a quick one coz I need to catch some sleep soon! Yesterday was a rare occasion where I actually cooked something becoz I have always been paranoid about setting the kitchen on fire.Im not much of a hands-on kind of person coz sometimes my arms become some sort like an octopus and I just end up messing...
Hello everyone! Slowly but surely we are approaching the Big Day! Am I excited, you ask? Well, I'll be lying if I said Im not - but much of this process have been rather exhausting to say the least! Its been a huge roller coaster ride - a whirlwind of emotions. So I just hope it will be OVER soon! Ha! :p Thankfully...
Waking up at 4am becoz the phone rang is no fun! But looking forward to seeing my Hello Kitty at home and yes.. Catching up on my TVB! Have a great week ahead, everyone!! :D xoxo kisses xoxo - Posted from my iPhoneee :) ...
Hello everyone!Im lazing in the hotel at the moment becoz its raining heavily! But yesterday was fun walking around KL, eating and eating and hanging out in Chinatown. Its nice here - not thinking about the wedding for a change, heehee.Take care all! Back soon.xoxo ...
Hello everyone~!!The weekend's here again and maybe by the time u are reading this - Im already off for a short holiday with Jungle Boy.Too many things going on at the same time, we need a breather!He's off to the Jungle actually, so technically I'm going up to KL with him to spend the weekend and while he take the domestic flight, I fly back...
Hello dearest all! Happy Monday to everyone ~ Yesterday we went trying out dresses for the wedding ... No ... Not referring to my wedding gown - My darling FlowerGirl is the one trying on dresses! Little Shi-En is not from church (the rest are) but she is someone very dear to us. Her mother is practically a daughter to Jungle Mummy so...