
** CLOSED** Daniel Wellington Watch GIVEAWAY!

Giveaway Tuesday, June 30, 2015
[GIVEAWAY] Its coming to the end of June and the start of a brand new school term! How time flies and before I know it, Im halfway through 2015! And besides that, is it me or is the weather crazily hot? Burning everyday my goodness. To make things a little better.. how about a GIVEAWAY???? Look what Cocomi.sg have kindly offered.. an amazingly beautiful pink DANIEL...

Baby Fair at Expo

Baby Sunday, June 28, 2015
[Personal] Happy weekend everyone! Erms actually weekend coming to an end hor so sad. On friday I trooped down to the baby fair at Expo with le hubs and my new tula! LOLOLL super kena poison..  [Personal] Happy weekend everyone! Erms actually weekend coming to an end hor so sad. On friday I trooped down to the baby fair at Expo with le...

Elroy's First Laugh!

Baby Wednesday, June 24, 2015
[Personal] Hi hi guys! Zomggg so last night, out of no where.. Baby did something that made all of us gasp! You see, he was playing with his ye-ye after dinner as usual while the rest of the family was watching tv and then suddenly.. Out of the blue, he started to GIGGLE! Then he began to laugh really loudly like ... non-stop!...

Hey Fatty Fatty!

Baby Tuesday, June 23, 2015
[Personal] Helloooo! This quickie blogging thing is quite easy coz now I kinda can do up a post while holding baby in my arms. I tried it with my laptop some time ago but all baby wanted was to bang on the keyboard LOLOLOL!  22th June Tues So last night I did some rearranging and mini spring cleaning coz baby has too much...

Happy Father's Day!

Baby Sunday, June 21, 2015
[Personal] HAPPY FATHERS DAY to all you hardworking, thoughtful and caring Daddies out there!  Baby is glad to have Jungle Daddy as his hero.. Someone who works hard to take care of us so unconditionally...  Definitely Daddy's boy :)  [Personal] HAPPY FATHERS DAY to all you hardworking, thoughtful and caring Daddies out there!  Baby is glad to have Jungle Daddy as his hero.....

A Picture A Day

Baby Sunday, June 21, 2015
[Quickie Personal] Love love this cute #stunnedlikevegetable default look taken at a friend's children party last week! What are you thinking baby? :)  [Quickie Personal] Love love this cute #stunnedlikevegetable default look taken at a friend's children party last week! What are you thinking baby? :)  ...

Crabtree & Evelyn - West Indian Lime Duo Review

Beauty Saturday, June 20, 2015
[Review] HARLOW EVERYONE!!!! Yes yes so sorry for being away coz unfortunately poor baby had a terrible cough (with blocked nose and phlegm and all) so.. when baby is sick, mummy is BUSY! Sooo busy making sure he doesnt develop a fever, so busy making sure that he feels better with minimal medicine (I only gave one dose of Zytec) and using lots...

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