
SuperMom BabyFair at Suntec

Baby Saturday, August 29, 2015
[Personal] Yesssss my life is ALL ABOUT BABYFAIRS recently I guess~! Insert bored baby face for attention Hahaha! Ok the reason why I went to (another) baby fair is because the little one is growing waaay too fast and he is going to be ready for solids soon! And this just means I have more reason to shop (much to the exasperation of hubby...

Bedok Mummy Group Meetup

Baby Wednesday, August 26, 2015
[Personal] Sometimes you make friends in places that you least expect it to happen. Before I gave birth, I was adamant in not stressing myself out with baby stuff like breastfeeding or formula feeding. I mean, as long as baby gets fed and grows up healthy I dun really care how. (I still hold this thought close to my heart although my baby...

Bringing Babies Out for Brunch

Baby Saturday, August 22, 2015
[Personal] Happy weekend everyone! So glad that its Saturday today and here I am writing this while baby is napping. This morning we had a fantastic meetup brunch with not one, not two but FOUR babies! All babywearing parents!  [Personal] Happy weekend everyone! So glad that its Saturday today and here I am writing this while baby is napping. This morning we had a...

Lunch at Sze Chuan Court

Baby Tuesday, August 18, 2015
[Personal] Hi guys! Its been one hell of a weekend coz I fell sick and was down with a horrible cold that rendered me almost useless except lying there wishing  that I haven eaten all the bak kwa that my father bought for me lol. And because Im breastfeeding, I also have to be extra careful of the meds that I take so...

Becoming a Bridesmaid once again

Baby Saturday, August 15, 2015
[Personal] Hello! Sorry for the lack of updates~ Im actually on the way to the doctor's. Arghhhz. I think I ate too much bak kwa and falling sick. Hate this feeling! Today we had a mini meetup with my old classmates coz Jennifer is getting married! YAY! And here's to bridesmaid duties~! I think this is their HQ cum warehouse where we get to...

OMOROVICZA Introductory Kit Face Review

Beauty Thursday, August 06, 2015
[Review] Hello hello! A beauty post today before the looong National Day weekend! As much as I enjoy talking about my baby to anyone who would care to listen (kidding) - I still love doing beauty-related posts. Im not exactly a skincare or makeup guru, but like most girls, I love to experiment and try out new stuff. Being a SAHM (Stay-at-home-mum) now...

Day out at Suntec + Express Gelish Pedicure Session at Milly's

Baby Monday, August 03, 2015
[Personal] Welcome to the National Day looong weekend! Woots! So the Lims (my family la lol) went on a short staycation on Saturday to catch fireworks! It was our first time with baby so naturally I was excited. Right before our stay, I had lunch with my good friend, Milly - and decided to have my pedicure done impromptu! Lol #Vain mah. U...

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