Do u love weddings? I know I do! But like every girl on the street, I have a wardrobe full of clothes but nothing to wear. :( So imagine how jubilant I was when I saw a parcel in the mail, courtesy of MOXIEMAIDEN.BLOGSPOT.COM! I ordered a cheery dress, made up of pretty red roses but had totally forgot about it until the...
Happy Holidays everyone! Hows ur loooong weekend coming along? I hope u had as much fun as I did. :) Here's a short post when I had a night's out with the girls! It was pre-BFF's ROM and she was still a MISS then. Kekeke. Note: Pregnant BFF absent due to obvious reasons. :p ALERT! SUPER BIMBO-TIC POST! Us at the KTV. Here's...
MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPIEEEE NEW YEAR EVERYONE!!! I wish all u pretty girls health, happiness and love forever. :) Both families are spending the day in church later, - we are going to have a buffet Xmas dinner there and then coming back home for more food and drinks! Happy happy. Im most ecstatic when Im surrounded by loved ones during the...
Hi everyone! How is ur Christmas shopping coming along? Mine was horrendous coz everybody seemed to be in the same place at the same time, - Orchard Road! But I had great fun meeting my sweethearts and running errands before the festive season. Had a haircut recently, did my nails finally, and threaded my face before I ran out of time! Must be...
Hello everyone! R u enjoying the Christmas season? I sure am, New York is freezing but everyone seems to be in a festive mood. :) The shops are crowded with shoppers but being a week away from the actual day, people are still pretty relaxed and most of the customers are doing some light shopping n alot of browsing. Wait til Christmas eve...