Hi guys!Im surprised at the number of tags after my post on the Cayenne Pepper Drink!Dun worry, I'll try to reply all questions at the end of post.Last night was a blast at my ex-colleague's place near Mt Faber where we had a small meet-up session with some current colleagues, their respective spouses & some ex-colleagues who had left a long time ago.Im...
Hi girls!I just got back from Jakarta and it was lovely doing my hair spa and massages for as little as $14 per treat.Now I come back home and realise that everything here is terribly expensive! Tsk.To: AnonymousIm currently on a detox system and I'm loving it.Introduced by my colleague, its called the Cayenne Pepper Diet and its relatively easy and extremely cheap.Made...
Hey hey everyone ~! Hows the weekend coming along? Betcha must be busy with going out, eating, shopping and dating! Keke!;DI love weekends - I love sleeping in and yes.. waking up to Jungle Boy's nonsense.This morning, he was looking for our house keys in my bag coz he left his set in the car.Jungle Boy: Why you got sooooo big bag but...
Hellooooo everyone! I am finally back from Paris, and nooooooo I did not buy anything! (*Ahem* Except for two wlittle bags but thats for another day.)I guess it got alittle boring after awhile.. looking at the arrays n arrays of bags with tons of people pushing, shoving n talking loudly in the shops. (Read: P R C) I just wanted to run away!:(Buying...
Hi guys, a fast one before I leave for to Paris tomorrow!I have a million things to do later - pack bag, dinner with family, then disturbing Jungle Boy. Heehe! (Now you know why our favourite words to each other are, embarrassingly, -"Go awaaaay!")Err, okay... enough paiseh details. :pHere's long long overdue pictures from my dinner with family! (Before I cut my hair!)We...
Hi everyone! Guess Im terribly late this time!I have about a million pictures in my Picasa & then there were more with my recent HongKong holiday! Just greeeeat... Alrighty, I'll start off from my Valentine Day dinner - a lovely treat from the everso stingy Jungle Boy who is forever telling me he ate bread & water for 3 months just to bring...
Sometimes I get alittle lost in life and I start daydreaming.I wonder if my path would be different if only I've studied harder, or I've put in more effort at work - or maybe.. if I've gotten another job from the very start.Then suddenly Jungle Boy jolts me out from space and says," You dunno how fortunate you are already."I wake up and...
Hi everyone!!!Im finally back from HongKong n I had so much fun there! :DI ate until tummy want to burst already, then there we shopped n shopped until my legs nearly cant walk anymore.. we blew candles for the birthday girl in Lan Kwan Fong, squeezed with a million PRCs in Ocean Park, n got caught in the rain until all our boots...
Hi & bye everyoneeee!Im off to Hongkong tomorrow morning and I'll be meeting my very cute, very lovable but very short best friend there! But if she's going to fight with me over the toilet... I'll karate-chop her!We're spending her birthday there too, so excited!:DTake care everyone, will be back soon.God bless.xoxoelaineP.SPoor Jungle Boy has to work hard in Singapore, all alone somemore...