
Pizza Party

Friday, March 16, 2012

Hello everyone!
Was busy the whole of this week but here's a small update :)
Creme Photography's Advert Preview Night
We had a great time one weekday night chilling out at the studio with some friends.
 It was a Pizza and beer party!
Look how excited Ollie is.
Just a small bite for u k!
We all got busy eating and chatting away.
Shall we start the preview screening?
Here we GO!
It was a SUCCESS!
 Looking forward to the official launch!
Its an amazing feeling seeing how the production team put together the different shots and weaving it into a beautiful story.
We had a wonderful time that night. Thanks guys, let's do it again soon. 
p.s Sorry Oillie.... I know how boring it is not to be given pizza & beer!
On a separate note, a big Thank You to the person who nominated me to be one of Cozycot's Aspiring Women 2012! 
To vote for me, pls click :
Thank you! ♥♥♥
Its a great honour to be next to some really talented women who contributed so much to society! 
I only contribute to the economy :p
Bye everybody! Love.

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