[Online Shopping] Hi guys! First up .. HAPPY LUNAR NEW YEAR! How is everybody doing during this festive period? Have you been so busy that you just cant wait for Chinese New Year to be over? Personally for me - I love the holiday period and I love CNY, though! Although I reaaaaally dread the spring cleaning part (I always find that I...
[Review] Hi everyone!As you know, with my recent holiday to China - it was still winter and I was battling the cold every single day! Its humid in Singapore, but its actually very dry and shivery in China especially with the winds and the heaters in hotel rooms! I dunno what's with hotels but I always end up with itchy scaly skin but...
[Review] Hello everyone! If you have been following me in Instagram (@Sugar73) ~ perhaps you have realized that I did something to 'enhance' my looks. Haha, not exactly with surgery, though! Allure Beauty Allure Signature Eyebrow Review What is Eyebrow Embroidery? Unlike eyebrow tattoos, Eyebrow Embroidery is semi-permanent and can last up to two years (or more). By adding colored pigment (usually grey/brown...