
Clear Body, Clear Mind : The Beginning

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Hello everyone! Yes yes sorry for being away for what seems like the longest time! I've been meaning to update sooner but I was so overwhelmed with meetups and what-not. How's your 2014 coming along? So far the Horse year has been exciting for me! Im super grateful for friends making effort to meet up during CNY, our families coming together regularly and even chatting to cousins over whatsapp has been really fun! The recent Chinese New Year came and went by (well, technically its not over til the 14th - but thats like tomorrow lol) and I've been feasting out so much recently that I nearly fell sick. Thankfully I stopped forced myself to stop eating my ultimate favorite bak kwa/pineapple tarts/chocolates and drank alot of water and liang teh! I've also fallen back to my almost daily yoga routine which Im really pleased at! The 7.30am classes have been an absolute delight and I love how I could go about doing my other routines after such an early morning class. Well, this morning I even decided to give myself a little breakfast treat after yoga and had cheese mushroom prata washed down with a big cuppa teh-si-kosong! LOVE. 
Hahaha but actually also because I'll be going on a 3-Day juice cleanse during my 7-Day Detox Yoga Program happening right this weekend...!
Im quite EXCITED, leh!
So, what is a Juice Cleanse?
It is a certain period of time when all you typically consume are only liquids,- specifically water, herbal teas, (no caffeine) fresh fruit and vegetable juices or strained vegetable broth. -- source : Mindbodygreen
Reasons for doing the Juice Fast
Juice fasting is ideal for cleansing the body of toxins and aiding with weight loss. It's also a healthier type of detox than a simple water fast, especially for people new to fasting, as your body is still receiving high quantities of vitamins and nutrients. -- source : wikihow
Why am I doing it?
I have always wanted to try a Juice Cleanse but I wasn't looking to simply 'lose weight' or just trying to drop the pounds (although that'll be totally welcomed) - instead I wanted to detox my system and kick start a lifestyle change in eating habits, like trying to cut down on toxins and red meat especially. Although I dun eat alot of meat, I really look forward to the day when I can go totally non-meat but so far it's really not easy! In addition, I know that improper Juice Fasting might cause more harm to the body instead of good hence I didn't dare to try it or advise people jumping into it without proper guidance or prior knowledge. When UpdogStudio was offering the Detox and (optional) Juice Cleanse program - I readily signed up for both because I know if I wanted to do it,- I'll do it the right way under the supervision of my experienced teachers.
I'll be recording my Detox Journey so wish me luck! 
In the meantime, here are a couple of tips that I've gotten online in preparation for my Juice Cleanse Program.
Tips for Pre-Juice Fast Cleanse
Upholding a healthy, light diet 3 days before your juice cleanse will ease the hunger cravings during the juice cleansing. 
Avoid alcohol,caffeine, sugar, processed foods, dairy, red meat and gluten.
For an optimal juice cleansing experience, make sure you have the free time to reflect and rest. Do not attempt a Juice Cleanse during a particularly stressful period, or a transitional time or if you are ill or pregnant.
Set an intention for your juice cleanse. An intention is a commitment to changing a part of your life that no longer serves you. What do you want to create through your juice cleanse? 
Hopefully I'll get through it in one piece! 
Thanks for looking and I'm working on another post so do check back soon! Take care, y'all! xo
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