
Jujube Tokidoki x Sanrio Rainbow Dreams Trunkshow at BabyPad

Event Friday, December 22, 2017
The first question I usually get is .. "Erm whats a trunk show?' So basically a trunk show is an event in which the retailer present merchandise directly to customers at a retail location or another venue. In many cases it allows customers to preview/ or purchase merchandise before it is made available to the public. Before Jujube trunk shows were available locally,...

My Boys

Baby Thursday, December 14, 2017
Its no secret that we have always wanted another baby girl but Im so, so grateful to have not one, but  two lovely boys to call my own! 😍 Growing up as the only child, all I've ever wished is to have a sibling so we can share secrets, dreams and laughter. Its funny how fate works coz my husband himself is an...

Family Brunch at Cafe Melba

Baby Wednesday, December 13, 2017
On weekends we love heading out as a family, exploring brunch places that are kid-friendly. I relish the time we spend together, eating and generally relaxing with the little ones. And if the place has a playground or field to let the toddler run, even better, ley! 💚 Family Brunch at Cafe Melba  One of the restaurants we frequent in the East is...

Nestlé Gerber® Puffs Penguins - Limited Edition Snacks for the Little Ones

Baby Tuesday, December 12, 2017
I admit, Im a sucker for cute packaging so when I first saw the Nestlé Gerber® Puffs Cereal Snack Limited Edition, I actually squealed and went," SOOOO CUTEEE!" Then the toddler reminded me with a "Mama, this for me?" Lololol yes son but can I keep the container after you are done? 😆  Nestlé Gerber® Puffs Penguins  It’s that time of the year...

Philips Avance Collection Blender Review + GIVEAWAY!

Baby Friday, December 08, 2017
Im not sure if you or any of your family members like drinking smoothies or shakes, but the 2 year old in our family LOVES his fruity milkshakes! Fruits plays a huge part in our daily diet and the kiddo loves all kinds of fruits, berries especially. Sometimes we buy so many different types of fruits and we cant even finish eating it...

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