My Boys

Thursday, December 14, 2017

Its no secret that we have always wanted another baby girl but Im so, so grateful to have not one, but  two lovely boys to call my own! 😍 Growing up as the only child, all I've ever wished is to have a sibling so we can share secrets, dreams and laughter. Its funny how fate works coz my husband himself is an only child which means our kids have no cousins! Hence if I can .. I want a big family so they can all play together 💗
My Boys
Now Elric is 2 months old and counting .. and I love seeing his expressions! He's learning to coo and laugh, and even frown at his brother.
Elric has more hair as compared to Elroy and he's quite a feisty little fellow! He loves to sleep on me in the daytime, but when he's awake - he likes to lie on the playpen and coo to everyone. Sometimes we shake a rattle and he will try to 'talk' to it! 
Elroy is adapting really well to his big brother role and I love how he includes didi even in his imaginative role plays. He'll tell us how he will drive a car for example, and didi will sit behind. Or he'll be a conductor for train (our sofa lol) and he will assign a seat and ticket to Mama and didi. 
The sweetest thing he said was "Didi faster grow up and play with me!" 😊 My heart.. my heart has never felt so full. Will never change this for the world. Love my boys so much xo
"All those cliches, those things you hear about having a baby and motherhood - all of them are true. And all of them are the most beautiful things you will ever experience."

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