Wendy's Wedding Part 1

Tuesday, August 04, 2009

Im feeling extremely healthy today, - having woken up at 830am for a yoga session followed by a quick swim and then after running errands.
So now all I have to do is to wait for Jungle Boy to go have dinner with me after he comes back from work.

Alrighty.. guess I'll post alittle pics from the wedding day first!
We have nearly 2000 photos from day n night, so can u imagine??

We reached there at 430am!
Even before the sun came up...

The bride doing her hair and makeup while we think of devil-ish ways to torture the groom n his brothers..

Changing into her gown and we wait with bated breath from the groom to come..!

We had a couple of games and we had to strategise the tekan session coz we had to abide by the 'auspicious time'.

We even told the groom that if he gave us a REALLY big ang pow, all the jie-meis would willingly play the games ourselves..!

Hahaaaa bery cheapo but wat to do.
Recession u noe?

Sorry guys for ending this alittle too abruptly.. coz Jungle Boy bringing me for dinner..!
I need to go change clothes and put my thick thick eyelash already.

Hi-tea session tomorrow and hopefully I can squeeze in a pilates class in the morning.

Take care all, got to go.
God bless.

Will be back soon!


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