With very little time to blog something, I just wanted to say.. BIG HAIR ROCKS! If u're a regular here, u should noe that my favourite thing to destress is to get a proper hair wash and blowdry whenever I have some time to spare. :p And to make the style last longer, here's a small post on how I do it. Enjoy!...
Hello peeps! Thank u everyoneeee for the extremely kind messages here, in my email, facebook and an sms even! I am grateful and Im glad to say that this incident has taught me a very strong lesson - Never underestimate the power of the readers! :D U guys rock. I am truly amazed by each and every kind soul here. Thank you, really....
I must learn to block out the bad and concentrate on the good. There are two kinds of people in the world - People who put u down and trample on u when u are at ur lowest; then there are the sunshine characters who lend u a hand and a listening ear : spurring u to go higher, be better and fly...
I am very very tired of it all. I am very very tired of it all. ...
Latest update, edited to add: The meeting with the interior designer was least to say, disappointing. There were hardly any new ideas and the colour scheme was boring. Themes that we had mentioned was cast aside, and presentation was lackluster. I guess sometimes award winning teams might not even be more sincere than their smaller, humbler, hardworking counterparts. On a deadly mission to...
Hi guys Im here for a quick post then I'm off to go bag-hunting (just browsing, not buying!) and perhaps do alittle planning on what to say to the interior designer tomorrow. Its our 2nd meeting already and I do hope they'll have some great ideas for the new place. Im pretty upset becos Jungle Mummy and I had dropped by this afternoon...
The author has been busy with work, Jungle Boy, picking up aerobics (again!) and spending time watching Crayon Shin Chan. Weekends are spent browsing a certain bag forum and on a constant predatory lookout for another bag. She is, unfortunately also in the midst of a hectic moving-house schedule and promises to blog when she has the time. Meeting the interior designer tomorrow!...
Hello helloooo! Omg thanks everyoneeee for their extremely kind words but but but but.....everything is too premature! :D Its all my fault for sprouting nonsense and getting everyone excited for me, I apologise... Coz I would like to remind everyone that Jungle Boy has NOT officially proposed.. so to me - its not official (yet) laaaa. The new house is just a step...