
My Actual Birthday in Melbourne (Day 2)

Personal Saturday, December 29, 2012
Happy weekend everyone!  I love the weekends, its truly a day where I sleep in without a care in the world - (but that usually means Im awake at 8.30am even on a Saturday coz old people like me wake up early - my dog life) and be awaken with the husband next to me. Usually he's up to go to work on the...

When We Went Melbourne! (Day 1)

Personal Monday, December 24, 2012
Hello hello everyone!  Im sitting in my PJs, with a cuppa tea but not wanting to go anywhere else before I wish everyone Merry Christmas! Its been a real crazy time with all the last minute shopping and wrapping of presents and before I know it.. its CHRISTMAS TOMORROW?!! Wow! Im thoroughly enjoying the last of my 2012 before welcoming the new year with...

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