[Personal Post] Hi guys! Hows your weekend? I spent it idling around, mostly frittering time away pottering around the house. *cue yawn* Im not sure if you have seen my last couple of posts, but its been a month without my domestic helper and although things are going well at home - I need to do alot more housework since we didnt really...
[Review] Hi hi everyone! I wanted to post this earlier but was kinda busy hence this late post, sorry! Is June coming to an end already? Every time June comes by, the only thing that makes me excited is the Great Singapore Sale (GSS)! But I must admit that its been rather quiet this year though.. and there's a hardly any crowd at...
[Review] Hello everyone! Happy Monday! Its a brand new start to the week and although I have a ton of stuff to do, but I just wanted to share my newest gadget here and its sooooo new ~ I've not even seen it elsewhere yet! Chanel Powerbank by MyDreamStory Powerbanks have been gaining popularity for some time now, especially since we are totally...
[Review] Hi guys sorry for being away for so long! Hopefully Im picking up the pace while juggling housework and writing so thanks for being patient :) Caught up with some friends this week and Im so tired that I snooze immediately once my head hits the pillow! So this post has been really long overdue! Hope u enjoy the review & pics,...
[Travel] Hello hello! How was your weekend? Mine wasn't so great coz I got totally smashed partying lol and spent half my Saturday feeling like my skull was just going to crack open! Haaaa! To add insult to injury, my beloved (I use the term beloved loosely here) husband had to announce to my whole family during dinner what transpired the night before...
[Travel] Hello hello! I've just recently got back from Beijing and as much as I would like to update this space .. I've been rather busy with maid woes! *Sob* Yes yes.. abit chaotic in the household coz it was very sudden! Like, one day just throw towel and say wan to go back nowwww! Aiyooo gek sim lehhh, not say I dun...
Hi guys! Im currently in Beijing this week but will be back real soon! Flight has been delayed and we're still waiting at the airport. Can't wait to show you pics of all the yummy food that we ate here! It has been one hell of a gastronomical trip! (Since we kinda did all the sight-seeing part previously) At 狗不理 bun shop in...
[Scalp Treatment Review + Video] I admit Im usually really careful with what I use on my skin and hair, but like most people, I tend to ignore my scalp. Do you also know that the scalp and hair are far more complex than they appear on the surface? Not only do they play a vital role in the appearance of a person,...
[Pics + Video Review] Hi guys! Im so sorry for being away ~ Its been a crazy week at home and I have so much stuff to settle before heading to Beijing this week so apologies for this really late post! I'll elaborate more when I find the chance to update, but in the meantime .. April Black Box Review Do you know...