
It was my Birthday

Baby Tuesday, December 01, 2015
[Personal] December is my favorite month! Because I love Christmas, love the getting together, the family time and thankgiving for the last month of the year before we usher in a brand new year. And of coz.. The start of december means an end of November. Which was my birthday :) A SurpriseUnlike most of my birthdays where I'll usually hold a party, its...

A Walk Along East Coast

Baby Saturday, November 28, 2015
[Personal Post] Has it been more than a month..??? Im so sorry for not updating this space! But motherhood, although it has been fun so far, - its very TIRING!!! My days have been filled with non-stop buzzing around, kids parties, going out, staying home, family time and baby E fell sick so I have been rather occupied to say the least! Fortunately...

Starting Solids ~ A Mish-Mash of Baby Elroy's Diet So Far

Baby Friday, October 16, 2015
[Personal] With baby starting solids, I've became a tad more busy trying to prepare fresh wholesome food for him so that he can enjoy mealtimes together with the family. I've tried to delay solids even though he can sit up at 5 months as I wanted his digestive system to mature a wee bit more before introducing food. Breastmilk is still be his...

Mummy's Market Babyfair

Baby Sunday, October 11, 2015
[Personal] Heya guys! Wow I really should be sleeping but I guess wanted to post about the CRAZY crowd when I dropped by Mummy's Market babyfair at Expo!!!! I forgot it was the Children's Day school holidaysss???!!! No wonder people mountain people sea ~ zomgg! Mummy's Market Babyfair Buay song face ttm Its damn crazy crowded la! Usually I go on friday (first day) mornings and its...

Bringing Baby Along

Baby Thursday, October 08, 2015
[Personal] Hi guys! Been soooo tired these days and everytime my head hits the pillow I'll be fast asleep so sorry for not updating these days! The weather has been nothing but great so today I hand leg fast fast, booked a pedicure session and brought baby along! Pedicure Day At Milly's Baby is likeeee "Mummy u bring me go whereeeee.." See whose face (half a...

BlackBox October Exclusive - The Beautiful Truth BlackBox Review

Advertorial Thursday, October 01, 2015
[Review] Howdy guys! I hope everyone has been loading up on lotsa water, Vit C and plenty of  staying indoors as opposed to going out and breathing in all that HAZE! Apart from polluting our lungs, dust and smog is really bad for our skin! But thanks to BlackBox, The Beautiful Truth set Exclusive Blackbox is a perfect respite for my sensitive skin! The...

Lunch at Sukiyaki

Baby Wednesday, September 30, 2015
[Personal] I realized my posts are either about lunch, dinner or cake. No wonder Im not losing any weight laaa! Just today, our waffles lunch turned to Sukiyaki buffet coz the cafe is closed! I cant believe it! A cafe closed from Monday to Wednesday~~~!!! *Insert facepalm* So anyways... We ended up at 112. Sukiyaki Lunch Buffet time!!!!  [Personal] I realized my posts are either...

CNP Laboratory Invisible Peeling Booster Review

Beauty Friday, September 25, 2015
[Review] It doesn't matter how effective your moisturizer or serums are if you skin is not in its optimum state to absorb all the benefits that your skincare has to offer. I struggle with dry, sensitive skin made worse from the tolls of being a new mum. (Oh! Although the late nights are hopefully a thing of the past.. the night feeds are...

Meet Up Day at The Sushi Bar

Baby Thursday, September 24, 2015
[Personal] Hi guys! Happy Haze-day.. I mean Holiday! Hahaha! Wah kaoz the haze is like super duper bad can?? I've been cooping up at home like nobody's business but with Baby starting solids and beginning to flip and learning to crawl (by crawl I mean he flips over and kicks!) - its been nothing but busy busy for me! Just last week he...

Yoomi - The First Self-Warming Baby Bottle Review

Baby Sunday, September 13, 2015
[Review] Happy Sunday! Its the long weekend from Polling Day and regardless which political party won.. Life goes on, right? Baby just turned 6 months recently and we are venturing into solids which is exciting! But also quite troublesome la, haha! In the past he was just fully on breastmilk and all I needed to do was to make sure he drank well....

Baby Day Out at Din Tai Feng Lunch

Baby Friday, September 11, 2015
[Personal] Last week I finally get to catch up with my good friend Kae & baby April (the cutest chubby ever!) at Din Tai Feng for some xiao long bao lunchie! Photo of damn crowded DTF coz it was the start of the school holidays! ... Which we conveniently forgotten til we got there and saw all the rambunctious kids running around. Then got...

Ribena Pineapple & Passionfruit Fruit Drink Review

Food Wednesday, September 09, 2015
[Review] When I think about Ribena... the first thing that comes to my mind is their ever popular blackcurrant cordial that I love when I was growing up! So imagine the surprise when I peeked into the my Ribena press kit and saw this! Ribena Pineapple & Passionfruit Fruit Drink Review Ribena unveils its first non-blackcurrant ready-to-drink product! Suntory Beverage & Food Singapore...

Faux Fayc Cosmetics Review + GIVEAWAY *CLOSED*

Beauty Tuesday, September 08, 2015
[Review + Giveaway] *GIVEAWAY CLOSED* Winner will be announced soon! Hi guys! Sorry for being away ~ after I fell sick it was time for baby to start teething and the poor boy is soooo cranky sometimes! In addition, he's starting to be abit whiny and is such a complain king, he really astonishes me sometimes! Haha! He loves to sit up and...

Snack Snack at The Coastal Settlement

Baby Tuesday, September 01, 2015
[Personal] Arghhh the second time Im writing this coz my internet went kuku on me & I blog from my hp so it wasnt auto saved. #LastwarningStarhub -- On weekends we like to go makan with baby and friends! Last Saturday after the twins birthday party at Changi, we popped by The Coastal Settlement for desserts! Actually we had SPAM FRIESSSS and this...

SuperMom BabyFair at Suntec

Baby Saturday, August 29, 2015
[Personal] Yesssss my life is ALL ABOUT BABYFAIRS recently I guess~! Insert bored baby face for attention Hahaha! Ok the reason why I went to (another) baby fair is because the little one is growing waaay too fast and he is going to be ready for solids soon! And this just means I have more reason to shop (much to the exasperation of hubby...

Bedok Mummy Group Meetup

Baby Wednesday, August 26, 2015
[Personal] Sometimes you make friends in places that you least expect it to happen. Before I gave birth, I was adamant in not stressing myself out with baby stuff like breastfeeding or formula feeding. I mean, as long as baby gets fed and grows up healthy I dun really care how. (I still hold this thought close to my heart although my baby...

Bringing Babies Out for Brunch

Baby Saturday, August 22, 2015
[Personal] Happy weekend everyone! So glad that its Saturday today and here I am writing this while baby is napping. This morning we had a fantastic meetup brunch with not one, not two but FOUR babies! All babywearing parents!  [Personal] Happy weekend everyone! So glad that its Saturday today and here I am writing this while baby is napping. This morning we had a...

Lunch at Sze Chuan Court

Baby Tuesday, August 18, 2015
[Personal] Hi guys! Its been one hell of a weekend coz I fell sick and was down with a horrible cold that rendered me almost useless except lying there wishing  that I haven eaten all the bak kwa that my father bought for me lol. And because Im breastfeeding, I also have to be extra careful of the meds that I take so...

Becoming a Bridesmaid once again

Baby Saturday, August 15, 2015
[Personal] Hello! Sorry for the lack of updates~ Im actually on the way to the doctor's. Arghhhz. I think I ate too much bak kwa and falling sick. Hate this feeling! Today we had a mini meetup with my old classmates coz Jennifer is getting married! YAY! And here's to bridesmaid duties~! I think this is their HQ cum warehouse where we get to...

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