
Crabtree and Evelyn Hungary Water Eau de Cologne Review

Beauty Wednesday, April 22, 2015
[Review] Sometime ago as I was just getting into the gist of caring for another human being (and trying my best not to harm him LOL) - something arrived at my doorstep! Crabtree and Evelyn Hungary Water Eau de Cologne Accustomed to having receive baby hampers and diapercakes that couple of days.. I was super glad that something came FOR ME! Hahahah! Feeling...

CNP Laboratory Propolis Deep Moisture Pack Review

Beauty Sunday, April 19, 2015
[Review] Following my previous introduction to CNP Cosmetics from Korea (also see here : http://elaine73.blogspot.sg/2015/01/cnp-laboratory-propolis-energy-ampule-2.html) CNP kindly sent one of their most popular products, the Propolis Deep Moisture Pack for another review.. thanks Kat! I noticed this star product at the event launch as it has a rather unique fragrance, it reminded me of sweet smelling honey I suppose! So delicious!  Propolis Deep Moisture Pack...

A Day in a Life of My Baby ...

Baby Friday, April 17, 2015
[Personal] Hi guys! Once again baby is having his nap time and Im trying to ninja my way here in my room to write a short post. So many things to blog about.. but so little time! I really shall try out blogging via handphone but Im quite old school in a way and I really like to type posts out with both hands...

Munchkin LATCH Review - Spinning Drying Rack & Latch Bottle

Beauty Friday, April 10, 2015
[Review] Hi guys! Im back with a short review on one of my current most-used products at the moment! Heh.. but first I have to tell u its not my usual beauty product review coz almost everything I do now revolves around BABY. *Sorry ah...* - Insert housewife look - Enter the world of baby fairs and baby products ~ its like an...

Adapting to Motherhood

Baby Tuesday, April 07, 2015
[Personal] So its been rather quiet around the house because everyone is so afraid to wake the baby up lol. I am trying to sneak in time to write a little here and there (sorry if Im not replying tags/emails and comments fast enough!) because every moment is so precious. My baby is growing up so quickly! It seems like just yesterday when...

Elroy's Full Month Party

Baby Sunday, April 05, 2015
[Personal] Hi guys! HAPPY EASTER! On Good Friday, we threw our firstborn a full month party with family and friends and I was so tired ZOMG I cant even. I've been planning this event BB (Before birth lol) and then I spent a bulk of my confinement period trying to confirm everything from the food to party planning to the dessert table. I know...

My Prenatal Photoshoot at Kids Pictures

Personal Wednesday, April 01, 2015
[Pregnancy + Video] Oh hi! Im still ALIVE! To think that time flew by in a blink of an eye! Its been nearly 3 and a half weeks since I came home with baby and WHERE DID ALL THE TIME GO. Im naturally abit sleep deprived at the moment.. and btw, anyone who has ever uttered the words "sleep like a baby" has...

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