
Japanese Food and Supermarket Shopping at Emporium Shokuhin

Food Tuesday, November 29, 2016
On weekends... on lazy weekends we try to laze in bed for as long as possible until all our tummies growl in protest. Then we troop out to find FOOOOD! Oysters at Takujo! Hubby's sushi set Our shared sashimi platter  Each lunch set comes with a mini hot udon bowl which promptly goes to the little one coz his favorite Japanese food is...

Lunch at The Ship

Baby-wearing Monday, November 28, 2016
The Ship, with the name alone, - has fond memories for me because I remember going there with my mum when I was really young, eating steak on a hot plate and thinking how nostalgic it felt when I re-visited the restaurant at Shaw again with my then-boyfriend, now husband. I think they refurbished the place when the shopping center went through a...

My Baby Graduated From PlayClub!

Baby Saturday, November 26, 2016
In a blink of a an eye, we graduated from Playnest (Babies 6 months and above) and now, PlayClub (Toddlers 18 months and above)~! I cant believe it! My baby went from a chubby crawler to an active toddler in such a short span of time - how amazing! Elroy's PlayClub Graduation Yesterday we all gathered for the last day of the term...

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