
#Throwback - Girly Dinner At Ippoh Tempura

Saturday, May 02, 2020

 *Edited to add this is a super #throwback post which I found in my drafts haha! I think I was trying to do a post then ... well life happens. 😛 Only now during #CB then got time to slowly sit down and get my mojo back ya! So anyways! There’s a couple of stuff that I really like and can eat everyday. Japanese food and fried food (oops so unhealthy but oh well..😆) Imagine how much I love Tempura then, Japanese fried-anything! In fact my kids love tempura just as much as me! Who doesn’t like fried food?? 
Girly Dinner At Ippoh Tempura
My gal friend Milly is one of my gal pals that I have known for yearssss and although she is so busy jetting between Singapore and China for business - we never fail to catch up whenever she’s in town. We can eat at the food court and talk for ages, or at a cafe sharing a piece of cake and we are totally comfortable with that! We can talk til the place is about to close and we still have 20634 things to talk about under the sun 💖
And yes if you find her name familiar, she is the brains behind the business Millys where i get all my gorgeous eyelash extensions and nails done. I never let anyone else do my lashes, because I love their Y-lash extensions and how their glue doesn’t sting my eyes at all! I have sensitive eyes so I would just keep to something that have been serving me well for so long! (yes i have extensions on for years - I cant live without them, really!) 
One of my favorite combo - seaweed tempura with a generous serving of uni! The salty taste of the sea from the uni is a perfect match with the fried seaweed and then if that’s not good enough, its topped with caviar and wasabi!
More, more more truffles please! I’m such a huge fan of truffles so i will always request for a truffles dish if its in season! (This is from the set menu though, so I’m so happy!)
The perfect ending to my meal and wonderful company - Truffles over uni and ikura rice #yummyinmybelly 😍
But of course the more important part of my meal is to be able to catch up with my lovely friend, who is beautiful inside and out ❤
“There is nothing better than a friend, unless its a friend with chocolates.”

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