Where is the time go?? It really just felt like yesterday I was pregnant.. and then zoom the pregnancy went by in a flash. And not long ago, we carried him home from the hospital. now boomz ~ he's 4 weeks old today, thanks arh. The next thing I know I will be having grandchildren of my own is it. LOLOL Baby Elric...
Ello! So finally I can take a break and blog proper while the toddler is in school and the newborn is sleeping (the only pockets of time that I can spare to get some work done!) Was busy recently over the planning of Elric's Full Month Party (post to come soon) - and also with my 2 1/2 hourly Jamu massage during my...
I swear all I did was to blink my eyes and boomz its almost a month since Baby Elric was born. The boys are napping now and I have a slight breather in between while they sleep to blog proper coz Elroy will usually ask me not to 'work' coz he wants to play with me. Awwww 😘 ~ Truthfully I've been very...