
Snail White BlackBox Exclusive Review + Giveaway! *CLOSED**

Beauty Tuesday, December 30, 2014
[Review + GIVEAWAY! Closed**]  EDITED TO ADD : CONGRATS TO SHARON KOW FOR WINNING THE GIVEAWAY! Wow I haven't done a GIVEAWAY (Details at the end of this post, stay with meee) in a loooong time! Woots! Im always happy to do Giveaways coz 1. Who dun like free things? 2. Can try try the item before you purchase. 3. I also like to...

Spending Christmas

Personal Friday, December 26, 2014
[Personal Post] Hi guys! Happy Boxing Day! How fast time flies ~ I was so busy this holiday period buying pressies, wrapping.. going for meet-ups and makan sessions with friends and now suddenly we are heading towards 2015! How did u spend your Christmas this year? :) Christmas 2014 Every year I look forward to Christmas. I dunno why but I love spending...

Crabtree & Evelyn Christmas 2014 - + a One for One Deal!

Beauty Tuesday, December 23, 2014
[Event + Shopping] Howdy everyone! With a mere TWO days to Christmas .. let's start the countdown soon, eh!!! Christmas is one of my most favorite times of the year as I love to gather with friends and family for a quick catch-up session over good food and great conversation. But unfortunately.. the headache of Christmas is :"What should I buy???" Sometimes its...

The Great Instagram Clean-Up

Personal Monday, December 22, 2014
[Thoughts] So unless you have been a) hiding under a hole, b) totally oblivious to social media, c) same age as my mother, d) all of the above - perhaps the most discussed topic trending on twitter/ Facebook/ private bitching sessions on Whatsapp should be the recent Instagram Purge.  As a blogger with an active Instagram account, its not uncommon to have friends...

Celebrating Christmas with The Body Shop #TBSWishesComeTrueSG

Beauty Sunday, December 21, 2014
[Event] Its only 4 days to Christmas and in the midst of all the last-minute shopping madness .. I wanted to show you all the goodies I got from one of my most favorite stores .. The Body Shop!   If you are spoilt for choice this holiday season, and in a dilemma on what to get - why not take a look...

Chacott Cleansing Water - No frills, just results

Beauty Sunday, December 14, 2014
[Review] Ever since I grew addicted to my eyelash extensions, I jumped on the Micellar Cleansing Water bandwagon in an effort to prolong the durability of my extensions. In addition, I love how non-oily these cleansers are as compared to my previous oil makeup cleansers that was all in the trend.  *Tip : Oil Cleansers loosen eyelash extensions over time. Why Micellar Cleansing...

My Monthly Nail Indulgence at Milly's - Chrome Hearts Nails

Beauty Friday, December 12, 2014
[Beauty] Hi everyone! This week marks the end of my 2nd trimester and boy did time FLEW by me! I have been resting a lot, in addition .. I was travelling for a bit (as approved by my OB) and yes! Going to yoga almost daily too! Being on the mat actually keeps me sane and I hate to lie around at home...

Black BoxSG Super10 - Which is your SuperHero personality?

Beauty Tuesday, October 28, 2014
[Advertorial Review] Hi everyone! Beauty Boxes are one of my favorite ways to try and sample new stuff and I love how fun the new SUPER10 - SuperHero Edition Black Boxes are! Black Box SG has put together 3 limited edition beauty boxes which each contain fun travel-sized items worth more than $20, but are now priced at $10 each! Or $25 for all...

My Pregnancy Journey - Part 1

Personal Monday, October 27, 2014
[Personal Post] Hello hellooooooo! *Dusts imaginary cobwebs off my blog*   Thank you everyone for all the kind wishes and love! I can definitely FEEL it I swear everyone is being too kind, really!!!!! *weeps*  To be honest .. I have never wanted to announce my pregnancy until a much later date, or til the point where I can't really hide being fat...

Something to share .......

Personal Wednesday, October 01, 2014
[Personal Update] 4 years ago you asked me to marry you.. 3 years ago we did it. Today we are waiting for our greatest gift of all ~  Thank you for loving me. "God has poured out his love into our hearts." - Romans 5:5 Will be updating soon!  xo Facebook ♥ Instagram ♥ Twitter ...

Away at the moment ......

Personal Thursday, September 25, 2014
[Personal] Hi everyone! Wowww what a hiatus it has been!  3 weeks+ and counting since I last updated?? Say whattt??  I never realized that I've been away for sooo long.. OMG! Hahah! Oopsss. Actually I've been away since my last update, coz I went to Seoul for a while andddd boy, was it fun!!!! Snippets from Seoul [Personal] Hi everyone! Wowww what a...

Update .. and on my Helper-from-Hell

Personal Friday, August 29, 2014
[Personal Post] Hellooooooooooooo!  I think it has been AGESSSSS since I switched on my laptop...!  As you know, I wasnt feeling too well after I got back from Malaysia and it was kinda hard trying to get my grove back. Admittedly I did alot of resting (and watching youtube, haa!) and was just trying to keep social media to a minimum. Blogging is...

Anyone Can Cook! - Results and Giveaway Winners

Advertorial Wednesday, August 06, 2014
[Results and Giveaway Winners] Hi guys! Im up really early this morning coz ...... hubby went to the toilet and made so much noise flushing so I woke up. HAHAHAHAHA TMI??? Anyways Im off to do my nails later at Milly's so I really wanted THANK EVERYONE for the kind support for BlackBoxSG's "Anyone Can Cook" show and those who cast their votes...

Anyone Can Cook! Episode One - Video & Behind The Scenes

Advertorial Saturday, August 02, 2014
*Edited to add : Thank u all who voted for either me or Vivian!!!  RESULTS WILL BE UP ON TONIGHT ON TUESDAY 5th AUG 8PM!!! Do check back to see if you have won the giveaway! There's still time to vote and join the giveaway if u havent! Yeah!  [Video + Giveaway] Hi guys! Happyy happyyyy weekend!!!  I hope u enjoyed my previous post...

Bangkok - Food & The City + Going to Unicorn Cafe!

Personal Thursday, July 31, 2014
[Travel + Video] Hi guys! Once again.. a rare update here! I miss updating often, but hopefully I'll be able to post more soon! Im terribly sorry, though! Having just came back from Malaysia, I feel alittle under the weather (again!) and trying my very best to rest more and taking a break from social media while I recuperate. Looking at my picture...

Black Paint® Special Trial Offer (New Promo)

Advertorial Monday, July 21, 2014
[Hot Buys] Hi guys! Im currently in Malaysia at the moment but I just wanted to share a really great deal with you guys asap! Hehee, kiasu much! You see, one of my favorite organic skincare lines - BLACK PAINT® is having a hell of a good buy currently and I intend to drop by soon to get some for myself (current stock...

Neutrogena Clinical Fine Fairness Radiance Essence Review

Beauty Friday, July 18, 2014
[Review + Video] Ello ello! Im sooo sorry for going MIA recently. Unfortunately I was feeling really under the weather and have been trying to get better, hence the lack of updates here :( Just replied all emails and feeling slightly better today. Will be heading to Malaysia early next week and I just hope to recover by then. On another note :...

Neutrogena *NEW* Deep Clean™ Hydrating Foaming Cleanser Review

Advertorial Friday, July 04, 2014
[Review] Neutrogena,- a brand synonymous with high-quality skincare and body care products that is #1 dermatologist recommended in over 70 countries, will be launching the Deep Clean™  Hydrating Foaming Cleanser in July. I had the good fortune to personally try out this new facial cleanser and here's some of my thoughts and a quick skin test too! Neutrogena Deep Clean™  Hydrating Foaming Cleanser An effective moisture...

La Roche-Posay Effaclar Duo + (Plus) Review - Does it live up to its hype?

Beauty Wednesday, July 02, 2014
[Review] When a product promises to 1) correct the appearance of blemishes, 2) unclog blocked pores, 3) help to refine skin texture and 4) control the appearance of shine, - what actually goes through your mind? For me, I was intrigued yet skeptical. As a beauty blogger, I go through new products often enough to usually take such information with a pinch of...

The Sushi Bar Date With Lesbo Dii

Personal Monday, June 30, 2014
[Personal Post] Hi guys! Hows your weekend? I spent it idling around, mostly frittering time away pottering around the house. *cue yawn* Im not sure if you have seen my last couple of posts, but its been a month without my domestic helper and although things are going well at home - I need to do alot more housework since we didnt really...

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